Saturday, February 2, 2008

New Music & Dancing

One of the things I like to do on the weekends is find new music. Now, there are several ways one can do this- recommendations from friends, listening to the radio, whatever- but one of my faves is to scan the Celebrity Playlists section of the iTunes Music Store. Another is to hang out at the Dirty D with My Favorite Redhead and My Favorite Local Celebrity and groove to some seriously filthy dance music. Some of that music is just N-A-S-T-Y! And I love it. It kinda makes it fobidden, and therefore somewhat sexy.

I wish my husband could dance sometimes. If I ever get him out on the dance floor, its to a "slow song" and his dancing consists of his arms around my waist and a slow shuffle of his feet back and forth, almost in rhythm to the music. Think back to the gymnasium scene at your high school prom, and you've got it.

Best times dancing? Good gravy...we used to have dance contests in our living room as kids. My brother Peaches (oooo, I'm gonna get it for calling him that!) would act as DJ and judge. My sisters Lisa and Sarah and I would dance to the same 45 record (!!!), and then a winner would be named. I think the winner got to pick the next song for the contest, but I'm not sure. I can't even remember any of the songs now.

Dancing with my sisters is a theme, I guess. There was that recent trip to Florida/ Disney World Marathon and our time spent on Pleasure Island at a club called "8 Tracks." Best. Dance. Music. Ever. And (more importantly) I looked hot. Family weddings, nights out in small town bars, my mom's living room, driving in the car to the start of the Chicago Marathon...always music, always laughter.

Challenge for the day: get up and dance.


lisabeast said...

I kicked ass at the dance contests! Remember the stereo console that was as big as a buffet? I especially remember dancing to Andrew Gold's 'Lonely Boy'.....I stooped down and crossed one leg over the other like I was sitting on a chair, then resting my chin on my fist "like I'm lonely". I remember Eric half laughing/half smiling and saying "very good". Yeah, I won that the way, whatever happened to all my Rick Springfield albums? Did you guys burn them???? Love the blog!

lisabeast said...

I kicked ass at the dance contests! Remember that stereo console that was as big as a buffet? The one song that sticks out is Andrew Gold's 'Lonely Boy'. I remember stooping and crossing one leg over the other like I was sitting on a chair, then resting my chine on my fist, "like I was lonely" - I remember Eric kind of half smiling/half laughing and saying that was "pretty good". Yeah, I won that one.....By the way, whatever happened to all of my Rick Springfield albums? Did you guys burn them????? Love the blog!

SF said...

One correction - as the youngest of the four, I was made to be judge - and the losers were never happy with me. . .I sometimes made it so everyone tied, just so no one would hit me! I also vividly remember having the bejesus scared out of me by the Queen album cover (robot reaching into the stadium, hand filled with bloody people). Ugh.