Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Guess What?!

Okay, friends. I'm not the kind of person to brag, but I am very excited about my latest venture: graduate school! Yay, me! Today marks my first session as a student at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign , and even though everything is online, I've still got some "first day of class" butterflies.

When this is all said and done, I'll be super-duper smart. You want proof? Well, my degree will be a Masters of Education in Educational Policy Studies, with an emphasis on Diversity and Equity in Education. Phew! That's a mouthful!

That's my short post for the day as I'm really trying to squeeze in as much as possible these days. More on that later. Have a great week!


Music Is Life. said...

Congratulations, Rachel! That's exciting, and you're going to love it. And besides, what else are you going to do in your free time? Watch TV?

Well, maybe, but you know what I mean... BTDubs... currently in the middle of Thirtysomething, season 2 - remember that show? Now it's us. Sigh.

Celebrating here with you!


Ms. Fix said...

"Thirtysomething" is us? Thank goodness you didn't say we were "pushing forty!"

Thanks for the well wishes- its rough getting back in the groove of things, but I always seem to manage better than I expect to. Onward!

Hopelovepeaceme said...

Wow. Congratulations. I stumbled upon your blog on accident, but I couldn't close the window and go to bed (finally) without congratulating you.

I wish I could say more and make myself seem smart, afterall, I am writing to a graduate student of Education! But I really can't.

Well, anyway, congratulations!