Thursday, January 6, 2011

New Year, New Goals

Happy New Year! I was reading a friend's Facebook thread recently about New Year's resolutions; some people loved them, others hated them, and still others opted for an exercise in semantics: "goals" rather than "resolutions." Well, okay.

I like "goals," but I like statements, too: "I resolve to..." It seems gentler, more manageable. Some people even write their goals down on paper. I like this idea, too. And with the writing, I prefer the ease of resolutions rather than firm statements; it makes things feel like I have some latitude with how things are played out.

For instance, if I say I will update my blog every day, and then don't perform, well I just feel like a loser. But if I say I resolve to update my blog more frequently than I did in 2010, well that is a statement I can stick with.

And so, in addition to that resolution, here are a few more of my personal goals for 2011:

1) I resolve to write every day, either in my journal, on my blog, or on Facebook (Hey! It counts!).

2) I resolve to make time for physical activity every day. Whether it be running, weight lifting, or just a long walk-and-talk session with a girlfriend, its a priority.

3) I resolve to learn something new this golf. I know, I know: it'll become an addiction, its costly, its dumb, its for retirees and dumb jocks...I don't care. I wanna learn how to play.

4) I resolve to be more consistent. In my work, in my personal life, in my eating and exercise habits, in my spending and saving habits- you name it, I'm looking to be more consistent.

5) I resolve to practice strength of character, kindness, graciousness, and generosity.

So, there they are, friends: the days of my life for 2011.

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