Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Say Hello To...

...my friend, Troy. Now, let me preface everything else I'm about to write with the following: I've never actually met Troy.


Its one of those virtual friendship things: a friend of a friend from another online community, and now a friend on Facebook, Troy would so definitely be my friend for real if he lived closer. Like, I think we'd have met because our circle of friends would be...well, the same circle.

Troy is a runner, a dry stone waller, a husband, father, fellow Midwesterner (although he now lives in Vermont), and funny fella. He can also grow one helluva moustache if he wants to.

Anyway, I'm always happy to help another blogger gain followers. So go visit Troy's blog. Tell him I sent you over. I know he'll be thrilled to make room for you in his circle.

1 comment:

Troy Headrick said...

I won't be asking you to take that picture down. That's some fine-ass virility right there. Thanks for the pimp, yo!