Must. Get. Warm.
It's a balmy -9 degrees this morning. I am so cold. My blood pressure must be somewhere around 40/70. Winter, is by far, my least favorite season. I'm all about sitting on a beach somewhere with a good book, iPod, snacks, and a Coca-Cola Classic getting warmed by the sun (me getting warm, as well as the Coca-Cola!).
Flashback to adolesence: Lisa, do you remember laying out on the balcony off Mom & Dad's room? For those not in the know, it's really the roof of the front porch, although it extends the width of the house. It is covered completely in tar. We would go out there with a crappy radio tuned to KIIK 104 or 97X, slather on some BABY OIL and bake. For hours. So far, the Skin Cancer gods have looked the other way.
When I lived in Illinois, I never really thought about Winter all that much. We'd go to school (high school, anyway) in shorts in mid-January. ("But, Mom- I'm going to be INSIDE all day! I'll be FINE!" Eye roll, disgusted teenage sigh, feet stomping out the door, aaaaannnnddd CUT!) Even in grade school we'd sometimes brave the elements without long pants under the skirts of our school uniforms. (Ahhhh...Catholic School plaid!)
I've tried to like Winter. I even learned how to ski, and I have snowshoes and a down jacket. I wear hats regularly. I think a remote car starter is a great investment. I drink hot chocolate or coffee with yummy alcoholic additions. None of this, however, helps as much as the sun. I guess the only way I'll truly enjoy Winter is by escaping its clutches. Donations to my newly established Winter Travel Fund can be directed to...
So why just Lisa? My generation, because you are soooooo much older , also laid out on the balcony. However I never tanned...still don't....*sigh* I'm ready for this winter crap to be over too. We just got done with yet another storm and I am so over it all!!!
Ahhh, the roof! It was like being at some glamorous hotel (ok, maybe not). you could look down and see the cars driving by, and if it was someone that you knew, you could nonchalantly stand up and stretch or change the radio station (yeah, no ipods....we ARE old!) so you could be sure that they would see you and think you were cool......and that damn tar! It bubbled up and melted and stuck to your towel and the bottoms of your feet! We too are dreaming of warmer days...although I did have to call in Wednesday for a "snow day" due to the weather - I guess it's at least good for that....45 days, 6 hours and 14 minutes to Florida...........
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